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The "So Now What?" Podcast

I am a Fertility Survivor.  The kind you enter into treatments hoping you will never be... childless.  After several rounds of IUI and IVF, at some of the leading Fertility Centers, I was told I was no longer a candidate for fertility treatment.  It left me asking myself...

So now what?

For the years that followed, I tried to put myself back together and tell myself I would be OK, but I wasn't.  I was shattered - I felt alone and failed by the whole process and especially, my body.  I yearned for others that felt the pain I felt and someone that could help me navigate a life without a child. 

I didn't find it, so I decide to create it.  

Fast forward to today. I am still childless, but my beliefs about my life have changed.  I decided that I can create meaning and purpose in my life even though I am not a mother.  I've learned to love myself and the body I felt failed me as a woman.

If you've been on this journey, hop on and join me as we create something we were not offered.  Let's create a sisterhood for the bravest women I know.  We brush ourselves off and don't let terms like: Failed, Unexplained, Miscarriage, Not-viable or Advanced Maternal Age define us anymore.  


Dec 19, 2023

Reflecting on Resilience:

As the year comes to a close, I've been reflecting on the resilience that comes with the journey of being childless after infertility. It's not just a personal triumph but a testament to the strength and courage you've displayed throughout your unique path.



Acknowledging Achievements:

This year, my focus has been on closing it out strong both in my career and in supporting the Thrive After Infertility community. I attribute much of my success to life coaching, which has allowed me to manage challenges with excitement and abundance. This is a significant accomplishment for me, considering the emotional toll of my fertility journey.



Gratitude for Community Connection:

Amidst the holiday hustle, I've had the pleasure of participating in a heartwarming childless/child-free gift card exchange aand also hosted an innagural gift exchange for my Childless and Childfree Meetup Group. The connection with other women who understand the journey has been truly uplifting.


Navigating the Feeling of Invisibility:

Now, let's delve into the heart of today's discussion – navigating the feeling of invisibility during the holidays. Many women who are childless after infertility may find themselves feeling unseen, especially in gatherings where conversations often revolve around family and children.



Recognizing Your Strength:

Feeling invisible may stem from not recognizing the strength you've shown throughout your fertility journey. This episode is an invitation to reflect on the incredible journey you've been on – saying 'yes' to treatments, facing uncertainties, and ultimately finding resilience in being childless.



You Are Seen and Valued:

Regardless of whether others understand your journey, know that your visibility begins with acknowledging your own strength. This holiday season, let's shift the focus from what others might see to what you see in yourself – a woman of immense strength, courage, and purpose.



Closing Words:

As you navigate the festivities, embrace the truth that you are seen, valued, and deserving of joy. Whether you choose to share your story or keep it close, remember that your journey is meaningful, and you are not alone. Wishing you a holiday season filled with self-love, connection, and the knowledge that you are truly seen. Until next week, take care and much love!