Nov 29, 2022
This week we talk about why we being good enough is unattainable for us. It feels like it's just something that we never fully achieve, that we do these things, we try these things. Are put into circumstances that we weren't necessarily expecting to have, and we go at life feeling like, mm, my life's gonna be...
Nov 24, 2022
This week you will get a glimpse into a LIVE call I did about handling the Holidays. Here's the key takeaways:
Nov 15, 2022
Are you starting to get these holiday blues that just seem to be inevitable this time of year? Cause if you are, you are in the right place. I am going to be doing a deep dive into the holidays, and I'm going to start off this week by talking about the holidays more on the podcast, but I'm also going to be hosting a
Nov 10, 2022
Have you noticed that since finding out that you weren't gonna be a mom, you felt as though your life is at a standstill. Is life just going on around you and you were sort of in this surf of life, so you might be moving forward, but not necessarily by your own projection?
Do you feel like you were are moving forward on...
Nov 2, 2022
Do you know how good that feels for 60 weeks? I don't know if I've ever been so consistent about anything for 60 weeks, but it feels so good to show up here every week and connect with you.
And for those of you, you know who you are. It's people like you who are continuously showing up every week. Working to create a...